LIFE (Loveland Interfaith Food Effort) is a ministry LUMC supports along with other Loveland churches. LIFE provides monthly food assistance for families in the Loveland School District based upon their income eligibility. In addition to food assistance, LIFE holds a “Giving Shop” in December for these families offering gifts for each member of the family. LUMC gives the congregation the opportunity to donate these gifts thru a “Giving Tree”. Our church serves as a weekly drop off point for donations to the pantry.
Feed the Hungry Challenge
Help Loveland InterFaith Effort (LIFE) feed local families by donating to the food pantry during the Feed the Hungry Challenge! All donations received March 1st through May 31st will help LIFE accomplish the Feed the Hungry Challenge goal. Cash donations and gift cards to local grocery stores are greatly appreciated along with non-perishable food items.
The LIFE Food Pantry, located at 541 Loveland Madeira Road, serves clients who live in the Loveland school district and members of our supporting congregations. Your help makes a difference!